Courtney B. Woolsey, PhDAssistant Professor Department of Microbiology & Immunology Office: Galveston National Laboratory (GNL) 5.200PMail Route: 0610Phone: (409) 266-6928Email: Education Current Interests Research Interests Recent Publications Post-doctoral FellowshipUniversity of Texas Medical BranchMay 2018-March 2021Galveston, TX Ph.D., Microbiology and ImmunologyUniversity of Texas Medical BranchMay 2018Galveston, TX B.S.Texas A&M UniversityDecember 2006College Station, TX Ebolaviruses, Marburg virus, Nipah virus, Hendra virus, Lassa virus, BSL-4 pathogens, emerging viruses, nonhuman primate models, development of vaccines and therapeutics, spatial biology Dr. Woolsey’s research focuses on understanding the immunopathology of emerging and re-emerging viruses requiring maximum biocontainment (BSL-4). She employs advanced immunological tools such as spectral cytometry/sorting and spatial biology to dissect natural and vaccine-mediated host immunity to these pathogens. The overall objective is to harness this knowledge to improve medical countermeasures. Her specific interests include 1) generating rapid-acting and durable recombinant Vesicular stomatitis virus (rVSV)-based vaccines, 2) characterizing how these vaccines elicit early and sustained protection, and 3) exploring mechanisms of virus persistence and sequelae PubMed: Research Experts: