Premkumar Christadoss, MDProfessor Emeritus, Department of Microbiology & Immunology Email: Education Current Interests Research Interests Recent Publications MD, 1977, Madras Medical College, University of Madras, India Autoimmunity; cellular and molecular mechanisms of immunopathogenesis; new therapy for autoimmune diseases, i.e., myasthenia gravis. Dr. Christadoss has been studying the immunopathogenesis of myasthenia gravis (MG) for more than 3 decades. At present he is studying the complement RNAi in the therapy of animal model of MG and plans to perform translational studies in human MG in collaboration with Immune Globe, LLC and Duke University. The complement RNAi therapy will be applied in the animal model of rheumatoid arthritis as well. He is also developing biomarkers for MG. In addition he is studying the immunopathogenesis of MuSK induced MG and developing a new model of MG induced by LRP4 autoimmunity. Search PubMed Database for PublicationsSciVal Publications Overview Teaching/PresentationsSRM-AARUUSH 2007ARM-Autoimmune Diseases 2007