About Us
The investigators served by the TCCF are affiliated with clinical and basic science departments have research programs that include patho- and immune-biology of BSL-2, -3 and -4 level infectious agents (viruses, bacteria, parasites), as well as research on a wide range of human diseases linked to chronic inflammatory processes, drug abuse, behavioral disorders, and aging and age-associated diseases.
Tissue Culture Core Facility provides a variety of services and technical support to enhance the ability of UTMB investigators to conduct high-quality collaborative research that is dependent on a variety of cell culture systems and cell biology methods
to address biomedical questions at the cellular and molecular levels with an emphasis on human systems. This mission is accomplished by providing appropriate technical and intellectual assistance to UTMB investigators in a functional, cost-efficient,
and multi-user environment that will enhance productivity in both their individual and collaborative research programs. Another important aspect of the core’s mission is training investigators (students, new investigators).