Course Outline
Students will undertake one or more project tasks at an international host institution, such as the WHO Headquarters in Geneva Switzerland, during the three month period of their internship. Each project and its deliverables will be jointly developed by the student, the host institution mentor and the UTMB mentor.
Upon arrival at the internship host institution, each student will be responsible for contacting his/her assigned local mentor and maintaining contact (not less than once every two weeks) with the assigned SCVD/WHO CC mentor for the duration of the three month internship period. Students are expected to report to work during the regular working hours of the host institution (typically Monday - Friday from 9 am-5:30 pm) unless otherwise specified by the host institution mentor and agreed upon by the SCVD/WHO CC mentor. Exceptions include designated holidays and accepted absences due to catastrophic weather events. If a student is ill or incapable of reporting to work, they must notify the local and SCVD/WHO CC mentors within 24 hours.
Each student is expected to prepare a written report of their internship activities that will be submitted to SCVD/WHO CC leadership no later than 30 days upon return to UTMB. The format of the written report will be agreed with the host institution and SCVD/WHO CC mentors prior to undertaking the internship. This report is separate from and in addition to any other report(s) that are generated for the host institution as deliverables during the internship.
Grading (satisfactory/unsatisfactory) will be based on participation, attendance, completion of assigned task(s), evaluations/feedback received from host institution mentor and UTMB mentor(s), and submission of a final report to the SCVD/WHO CC by the student summarizing their internship experience and outcomes.
Textbook and Reading Materials
There is no required textbook for this course. Mentors will assign general and specific reading, literature/data search and review tasks as appropriate to the requirements of the internship project.
Last revised August 3, 2017
Course Objectives
The course objectives are for students to:
- Participate in team-based approaches to document and data review
- Gain a first-hand understanding of decision making processes for
global public health policy, particularly as it pertains to development
and use of vaccines
Course Credit Hours: 9 credit hours
Room: TBA
Date: TBA
Time: TBA
Course Description
View on GSBS website
The Sealy Center for Vaccine Development (SCVD) and WHO Collaborating Center for Vaccine Research, Education and Training on Emerging Infectious Diseases (WHO CC), working in conjunction with international partners, sponsor annual traveling internship programs that will form the basis for this course.
Students participating in this course will undertake an internship at an international host institution. Each student will be paired with a mentor at the host institution and a UTMB SCVD/WHO CC mentor to work on a defined project related to public health and vaccines for a period of 3 months. Grading (satisfactory/unsatisfactory) will be based on attendance and participation in assigned activities at the internship site, completion of assigned task(s), evaluations/feedback from the internship mentors, and submission of a final report to the SCVD/WHO CC by the student summarizing their internship experience and outcomes.